How & Why Should You Care About CDR Billing?
Businesses often find that collecting money from customers who owe them money is a time-consuming and expensive endeavor. Nevertheless, if you are operating in the telecom industry, there is a billing solution you may want to consider: CDR billing , or call detail record billing. The purpose of this article is to present a brief overview of CDR billing and explore why, in some cases, it can be more efficient than traditional means of collecting payments. What is CDR (Call Detail Record)? CDR is probably unfamiliar to you if you're not in the telecom industry. The good news is, that it won't be long before the rest of the world is familiar with it. CDR billing is considered by many experts to be one of the greatest innovations ever to transpire in the telecom industry . A record of detail of a call traveling through a network between A and B is referred to as a call detail record (CDR). Assuming A is the origin and B is the...